T.A. - TrikoLogic - 10g

T.A. - TrikoLogic

10,00 €

T.A. Trikologic is a biological nutrient for hydroponic crops, coconut and soil based on Trichoderma. Trichoderma is a mold that must be added to the growing medium and acts at the root level and allowing a healthy development. Its defensive action protects the new roots from the attack of harmful molds.

T.A. Trikologic is suitable for all substrates. It should be used during the preparation of seeding and cutting substrates, mixing it with irrigation water.

Like all aerobic microorganisms, the better the oxygen supply, and the more stable the pH, temperature and humidity, the healthier and more effective Trikologic will be.

Use with:

All fertilizers and substrates T.A., in hydroponics and in outdoor gardening.

Trikologic works very well with organic fertilizers like Pro Organig Grow and Pro Organic Bloom. 

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